
Newborn: Mackenzi Jillee

Newborn: Mackenzi Jillee

Not only is it exciting to schedule a newborn session, but it is even more exciting when that newborn is in the family! My family and my husband's cousin's family have similar stats: we got married around the same time and we both now have toddlers. They have just upped the stakes with the arrival of this beautiful and precious baby girl: Mackenzi Jillee.

Newborn: Gabriel Luke

Be still my heart. How cute?!? Don't you love pictures of sleeping babies?

I went to elementary, middle, and high school with this little guy's parents. Chandra and I marched in the band and were on yearbook staff together. We met for lunch dates during college. Chandra's pretty awesome. 

Chandra and Josh welcomed Gabriel Luke on July 31. 

Isn't this little guy adorable? He was so calm and so tiny and so sweet during our session.

His brothers, Isaac and Jonas, are in love with him already. 

Jonas was so excited to show off his brother. When I arrived, he had to check me out to make sure that I was safe for his new little brother. It was so sweet!

Congrats on your new family of 5, Josh & Chandra! Love you guys!